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HomeFarmers MarketHow to Grow Orange Sweet Potatoes: A Comprehensive Guide 

How to Grow Orange Sweet Potatoes: A Comprehensive Guide 

If you prefer eating sweet potatoes, we have a comprehensive guide that will show you how to cultivate them on your own. They are popular in low-carb diets because they contain fewer carbs than regular white potatoes. 

Sweet potatoes require a mild to warm climate, however, certain types can grow in cooler temperatures as well. The southern states provide optimum growth conditions for achieving the largest yields. Sweet potatoes come in bush and vining kinds, with both generating abundant yields.

What are Orange Sweet Potatoes?

Orange sweet potato often called yams in informal settings are easy to identify from their bright orange color. Colouration is due to a high amount of beta-carotene inside the food. Much sweeter and moister than the white sweet potato, with its pale yellow flesh and generic taste, the orange sweet potato is a definable contrast to the latter.

 Health Benefits of Orange Sweet Potatoes

The health benefits of Orange fleshed sweet potatoes are as nutritious as they are delicious. They are rich in fiber, vitamins A and C, and antioxidants. Nutrients derived from these vegetables help in the immune system and vision and give healthy bacteria to the gut. The high amount of beta-carotene also benefits the skin and protection from chronic diseases.

 Are All Sweet Potatoes Orange?

If you have queries that are all sweet potato oranges? Then here is your answer.

Not all of them are orange. Each kind has its own taste and nutritive value but the orange sweet potatoes are indeed special as to their sweetness and nutritive value. 

 Where to buy  Orange Sweet Potatoes 

 Do you want to know where to buy orange sweet potatoes? Then read this.

Orange sweet potatoes can be bought from any grocery store, farmers’ market, and online stores. Choose those that are hard and have shiny skin without any defects. It is also possible to buy slips of sweet potatoes which are very young plants from the gardening centre store or through mail-order nurseries if you so desire. 

 Growing Orange Sweet Potatoes 

 Orange sweet potatoes are quite easy to grow and you don’t necessarily need to hire a professional farmer to do it for you; you can do it anywhere from your backyard garden to your container garden. Here’s a step-by-step process to get you going: 

 1. Slip Selection: Purchase healthy slips of orange sweet potatoes from a reliable supplier. Ensure that they are free from diseases and pests of any kind. 

 2. Soil Preparation: Sweet potatoes are compatible with sandy soils that are well drained and with moderate acidity and soil pH of 5. 5 to 6. 5. Bury compost to increase the level of fertility. 

 3. Planting:  Water up to the top of most leaves and water them very well. 

 4. Fertilizing: A balanced fertilizer should be used, but those with high nitrogen should not be applied because they build up the foliage at the expense of tubers. 

 5. Harvesting:  They shall turn yellow and this will be an indication of their maturity. 

 6. Curing: The sweet potatoes require curing after harvesting and this is done at 85°F warm and very humid for about 10 days to enhance the sweetness of the tubers and for storage. 

 7. Storage: Cure sweet potatoes in a cool, dark place with good circulation of air. When stored well, they can last for some months.

Orange Sweet Potato Calories and Nutritional Information

Orange sweet potato calories, being low and high in nutrition, can improve any diet. Equally, it contains approximately 4 grams of fiber, 2 grams of protein, and almost no fat.

 White Sweet Potato vs. Orange Sweet Potato

Probably the greatest difference between the white sweet potato and the orange. These two are in colour, taste, and nutritional value. White sweet potatoes have a milder, sweeter flavour and a drier, firmer texture compared to the moist, sweet orange variety. Nutritionally, orange sweet potatoes are higher in beta-carotene, so they are more power-packed in terms of nutrition.


Developing orange sweet potatoes is an engaging project with a tasty and good crop. In case you treat them well and give them good conditions, it will not be difficult to get a bumper crop of these highly-hued tubers. When baked, mashed, or roasted, the orange sweet potato is always a most unobjectionable and healthful addition to any meal. 


  1. What is the best time to plant orange sweet potatoes?

Answer: The best time to plant orange sweet potatoes is in late spring, after the last frost.

  1. How much water do orange sweet potatoes need?

Answer: Orange sweet potatoes need about 1 inch of water per week, especially during the growing season.

  1. When are orange sweet potatoes ready to harvest?

Answer: Orange sweet potatoes are typically ready to harvest 90-120 days after planting, once the leaves start to yellow.



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